"Genuinely" speaking..Yeah, let's talk about this for a minute.
Lately, I've been running into loads of gents, who when they speak to me, use terms that I have always associated with someone that you have been in a relationship with for a period of time.
It apparently is not so uncommon, and possibly even acceptable? (Yes I find that quite curious as well) to speak to a woman you barely know and call her "Hun, Sweetie, Cutie, Baby." and the like.
I personally find it to be patronizing, for the simple fact that YOU ,quite possibly, have absolutely NO IDEA who I am. How do you suddenly meet me one day and the next act like we've known each other for years?
Of course, I have a plethora of my own theories about this; some of them a slight bit Freudian, others not so much. Let's have a look at a few.
1. Lack of respect - There are unfortunately so many men who just have no respect for women. But not just men, people who have no respect for other people. It's heart breaking at best.
2. No clue - This literally piggy backs on my first response; guys (and gals) get a clue. There are some terribly fabulous people on this planet. Get to know someone, give a little of yourself, listen to the other person. Seriously take interest in someone for something other than their outward beauty.
3. So used to calling their wives "Hun, Sweetie, Cutie or Baby." It just sort of pops out in conversation. That should be a complete 'crimson colored triangle' (see my previous Rant on 'red flags')
4. They can't remember your name. - Self explanatory...and at least my 'rant' has ended with a cool song :)
Cheers!!! Til the next rant or adventure .......
Stay tuned for more 'Relationship Ninja" blogging.
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Copyright 2014 - Noelle Sangster/Sangster Entertainment LLC - All rights reserved
Noelle Sangster on Amazon
Sunday, 28 July 2013
Sunday, 21 July 2013
Salad and a New Relationship -Vol 1
(cooking with the Relationship Ninja) vol 1
I'd like to introduce my friend Nina, she's a cooking wiz and has just as much information to offer in the realm of relationships as she does about food and cooking. As a matter of fact she intertwines the two quite nicely.
I've known Nina so long, she's become family. When we started cooking together, quite some time ago, a natural topic of conversation was about our lives, love, family and relationships. People who cook with their loved ones will completely understand what I mean here.
There's an amazing bond that comes from cooking together. Maybe it's the art of creating something wonderful and delicious together, or maybe it's as simple as spending time together; for me it's a culmination of both.
Nina became the "Relationship Ninja" to me, about six months after we met. Her 'ninja like' skills are as equal in relationship advice as her 'ninja like' culinary skills are in the kitchen. Be advised that Nina has been married for over 40 years (she won't let me say exactly how long), and has been cooking food with family much longer than that.
She swears that every relationship has a partner food that can relate to any situation. And through the years she has shared her wealth of information. One that is no match for even the best marriage counselors... just saying.
My ninja has asked that I make it very clear that she in no way advocates emotional eating binges, or just macking on comfort food to soothe your sorrows away. She always says, "Just cause you cook it, don't mean you gotta eat it." Side note: She does not waste food either. Someone always eats what she cooks.
Today we are building a simple salad. According to the Relationship Ninja, this salad relates closely to a new relationship...
"Building a solid relationship," she says "is like the foundation of a good salad." She carefully removes one head of lettuce and a bag from the bottom drawer of her fridge. They are romaine and fresh baby spinach. She explains that both have many vitamins and minerals. "Relatively speaking" she adds, as she chops the lettuce, "a good foundation in the relationship are truths and values. Just as important as putting good vitamins and minerals into your body."
She tosses the chopped romaine in the bowl and says "truths" then tops it with a bunch of fresh spinach, mixes them quickly and says "and values," then smiles at me. "Building a relationship based simply on sex is like using ice berg lettuce for the base of a salad...."
"Why?" I wanna know.
The ninja tells me "Ice berg is mostly water. Which means it may be satisfying for the moment, but you get nothing from it once the water is used up."
We add cucumbers, tomato, colored bell peppers, raisins and walnuts. It's what my ninja friend calls "the fun stuff, after a good foundation."Then we top it with a favorite dressing (mine is a fig & walnut balsamic vinaigrette) and voila! LUNCH.
Read More Sangster Here :)
Copyright 2014 - 2016 Noelle Sangster/Sangster Entertainment LLC - All rights reserved
Noelle Sangster on Amazon
The Relationship Ninja Vol 2 - Bread & Love
The Relationship Ninja Vol 3 - Famil y & A Breakfast Casserole
The Relationship Ninja Vol 4 Part 1 - Marriage
The Relationship Ninja Vol 4 Part 2 - Marriage
The Relationship Ninja Vol 5 - Equally Yolked
The Relationship Ninja Vol 6 - Salmon Ceviche & Rebound Sex
The Relationship Ninja Vol 7 - Curing Olives
Keep the Blog alive
I'd like to introduce my friend Nina, she's a cooking wiz and has just as much information to offer in the realm of relationships as she does about food and cooking. As a matter of fact she intertwines the two quite nicely.
I've known Nina so long, she's become family. When we started cooking together, quite some time ago, a natural topic of conversation was about our lives, love, family and relationships. People who cook with their loved ones will completely understand what I mean here.
There's an amazing bond that comes from cooking together. Maybe it's the art of creating something wonderful and delicious together, or maybe it's as simple as spending time together; for me it's a culmination of both.
Nina became the "Relationship Ninja" to me, about six months after we met. Her 'ninja like' skills are as equal in relationship advice as her 'ninja like' culinary skills are in the kitchen. Be advised that Nina has been married for over 40 years (she won't let me say exactly how long), and has been cooking food with family much longer than that.
She swears that every relationship has a partner food that can relate to any situation. And through the years she has shared her wealth of information. One that is no match for even the best marriage counselors... just saying.
My ninja has asked that I make it very clear that she in no way advocates emotional eating binges, or just macking on comfort food to soothe your sorrows away. She always says, "Just cause you cook it, don't mean you gotta eat it." Side note: She does not waste food either. Someone always eats what she cooks.
Today we are building a simple salad. According to the Relationship Ninja, this salad relates closely to a new relationship...
"Building a solid relationship," she says "is like the foundation of a good salad." She carefully removes one head of lettuce and a bag from the bottom drawer of her fridge. They are romaine and fresh baby spinach. She explains that both have many vitamins and minerals. "Relatively speaking" she adds, as she chops the lettuce, "a good foundation in the relationship are truths and values. Just as important as putting good vitamins and minerals into your body."
She tosses the chopped romaine in the bowl and says "truths" then tops it with a bunch of fresh spinach, mixes them quickly and says "and values," then smiles at me. "Building a relationship based simply on sex is like using ice berg lettuce for the base of a salad...."
"Why?" I wanna know.
The ninja tells me "Ice berg is mostly water. Which means it may be satisfying for the moment, but you get nothing from it once the water is used up."
We add cucumbers, tomato, colored bell peppers, raisins and walnuts. It's what my ninja friend calls "the fun stuff, after a good foundation."Then we top it with a favorite dressing (mine is a fig & walnut balsamic vinaigrette) and voila! LUNCH.

Read More Sangster Here :)
Copyright 2014 - 2016 Noelle Sangster/Sangster Entertainment LLC - All rights reserved
Noelle Sangster on Amazon
The Relationship Ninja Vol 2 - Bread & Love
The Relationship Ninja Vol 3 - Famil y & A Breakfast Casserole
The Relationship Ninja Vol 4 Part 1 - Marriage
The Relationship Ninja Vol 4 Part 2 - Marriage
The Relationship Ninja Vol 5 - Equally Yolked
The Relationship Ninja Vol 6 - Salmon Ceviche & Rebound Sex
The Relationship Ninja Vol 7 - Curing Olives
Keep the Blog alive
Sunday, 7 July 2013
A Saturday Adventure in South Phoenix
Links are always in Yellow
Once upon a time...well okay.....a few weeks ago......
It is a gorgeous Saturday morning. It is early enough both in the season and in the morning, that it's not yet blazing hot. I'm going for a horseback ride on South Mountain at the Ponderosa Stables Like many of you, when I think of horseback riding... I think of wide open desert spaces, or beautiful wooded trails far away from the city, with streams of cool water bubbling effortlessly over river rocks....not here.
The drive to the Ponderosa Stables is through so much city and concrete you wonder how there could possibly be any kind of wildlife (other than the kind you don't want to run into on a Friday night..lol).
I find my destination at the absolute end of Central Avenue. If the road didn't curve I would have driven straight into South Mountain. This stable has been hosting trail rides on South Mountain for about 40 years.
I arrive about 30 minutes prior to my scheduled ride and watch as riders and trail guides are coming in from their early morning rides.
Most of them are obviously tourists; I can tell because they are wearing shorts and running shoes (and their cameras give them away); improper attire for a horseback ride, let alone one through desert vegetation where there are venomous critters.
The Cowboy that runs Ponderosa is a Massachusetts Cowboy? I know, right? That's exactly what I thought. But let's be honest, as we learned from the Marlboro Man; a Cowboy is such because of his heart, not his state of residence.
It's a great ride for the scenery and South Mountain is a site you absolutely have to see while in Phoenix.
The Ponderosa does offer more rides that include a breakfast ride and a steak dinner ride. It's a great way to get out and see some of the natural desert areas of Phoenix. The prices are reasonable, and the company is good. The trail cowboys and cowgirls work for tips, so please be generous.
Bring some sort of hat , bring water, and wear cowboy boots if you have them. Remember: we are a guest in nature's domain, please use manners. Sun poisoning is not fun :( and I can't imagine rattlesnake bites are either.
Cheers, until the next adventure!!!
Copyright 2013-2016 - Noelle Sangster/Sangster Entertainment LLC - All rights reserved
Keep the Blog Alive
Noelle Sangster on Amazon
Once upon a time...well okay.....a few weeks ago......
It is a gorgeous Saturday morning. It is early enough both in the season and in the morning, that it's not yet blazing hot. I'm going for a horseback ride on South Mountain at the Ponderosa Stables Like many of you, when I think of horseback riding... I think of wide open desert spaces, or beautiful wooded trails far away from the city, with streams of cool water bubbling effortlessly over river rocks....not here.
The drive to the Ponderosa Stables is through so much city and concrete you wonder how there could possibly be any kind of wildlife (other than the kind you don't want to run into on a Friday night..lol).
I find my destination at the absolute end of Central Avenue. If the road didn't curve I would have driven straight into South Mountain. This stable has been hosting trail rides on South Mountain for about 40 years.
I arrive about 30 minutes prior to my scheduled ride and watch as riders and trail guides are coming in from their early morning rides.
Most of them are obviously tourists; I can tell because they are wearing shorts and running shoes (and their cameras give them away); improper attire for a horseback ride, let alone one through desert vegetation where there are venomous critters.
The Cowboy that runs Ponderosa is a Massachusetts Cowboy? I know, right? That's exactly what I thought. But let's be honest, as we learned from the Marlboro Man; a Cowboy is such because of his heart, not his state of residence.
It's a great ride for the scenery and South Mountain is a site you absolutely have to see while in Phoenix.
The Ponderosa does offer more rides that include a breakfast ride and a steak dinner ride. It's a great way to get out and see some of the natural desert areas of Phoenix. The prices are reasonable, and the company is good. The trail cowboys and cowgirls work for tips, so please be generous.
Bring some sort of hat , bring water, and wear cowboy boots if you have them. Remember: we are a guest in nature's domain, please use manners. Sun poisoning is not fun :( and I can't imagine rattlesnake bites are either.
Cheers, until the next adventure!!!
Copyright 2013-2016 - Noelle Sangster/Sangster Entertainment LLC - All rights reserved
Keep the Blog Alive
Noelle Sangster on Amazon
Monday, 24 June 2013
Meet The Marlboro Man
This piece is dedicated to anyone that has read or seen posts on my Facebook or Twitter page in the last couple of years. You may have seen some banter or direct quotes from a man whom I call the Marlboro Man. He's a Cowboy who has always been dear to my heart.
I hate that he smokes too much, drinks whiskey and cusses... A LOT ( I leave the cussing out of his quotes.) He's a tough old man who's seen years of hardship, fun, and love. If you ask him how life's been so far, he'll tell you point blank,
"Full. But it ain't done with me yet.". I hope that's true, because I've never met anyone quite as unique as the Marlboro Man.
I call him the 'Marlboro Man,' for a couple of reasons. One being that he's a smoker, an avid smoker, with a matching cough and yellowing finger tips. And though he looks rough, it's easy to see that in his younger days he was quite handsome and fit.
Even in his ageing vessel, the brilliant light in his blue eyes is always visible, always captivating and his stories are even more so. He's told me many times before,
"I ain't a young buck no more, Baby Girl. But I seen a lot of life. Looked it square in the eye, and sometimes it looked back and dared me." Then he smiles a little and coughs. And I know that he accepted those dares.
He's silent, pointing his discolored finger at me, with a lit cigarette placed firmly between his first two fingers. Making sure that I understand what he means. He pulls his arm back slowly and nods, because he sees that I do understand. The smoke follows his hand, then dissipates.
I love how in his eyes, he can still see me as a 'child' in certain ways. He views the world with an old school perspective; one where men are still gentlemen, who open doors, pull out chairs, say 'please' and 'thank you' and give a firm hand shake while looking you in the eye. Men that would never think of calling any woman a 'bitch' or a 'ho' (even if it were true), and their word is better than any legal written contract.
He's spent nearly his entire life on a ranch or in the arenas, riding bulls and training bull riders. He's that kind of cowboy. The kind that is up with the sun, works hard all day, goes to bed when the sun goes down, then wakes up to do it all over again.
Most of his stories begin with the words,
"When I was.." and end leaving you wishing that they didn't.
My friend says, "They don't make men like the Marlboro Man anymore." I know that he's right, but did they ever MAKE men like that or is that some sort of sorry excuse for the way we've mishandled the responsibility of raising our own children? And why can't we still MAKE men like the Marlboro Man, less the smoking and the hacking cough?
The Marlboro Man has an amazing ability to see when something's wrong or right for that matter and has a near perfect analogy for nearly any situation.
He's much like the Cowboy version of Kahlil Gibran (a favorite of mine too); just as deep and thought provoking but less wordy as most cowboys are (less wordy I mean).
He's always told me, "Black and white are just colors...the world is full of color and shades of gray..know where you stand in it...and don't lose your footing."
He also says...." I seen a lot of things in my time, Cupcake. Some things that would turn a man's heart sour, or make him stop believing that there's a power higher than himself. It's just not true. If you can see the world through the eyes of someone else, you got it half licked....if you can empathize with someone else in pain... love when your heart's still broken...and taste life the way it's handed to you... you got it mostly licked, I suspect." He draws heavily on the cigarette as it nears the filter and brushes at the dust on his worn leather boot with his weathered hand.
Mid summer the Marlboro Man disappears from the arenas with his nephews to northern California, to relax and strategically plan for the upcoming bull riding season.
I have treasured every minute that I have spent with him and I hope that I have many more opportunities to learn from him.
These are some of my favorite 'Marlboro Man' quotes. Some are serious and some are silly, but they all own his character :)
"Understanding comes from getting knocked down...Courage comes from getting back up."
"Strength shows in your attitude...Stress shows on your face."
"If you wanna see the world through my perspective...shut up and let me tell it my way."
"Knowing where you stand...don't make ya tired when there's standing room only."
"PAIN (of any kind), reminds us why we don't like it."
"The company you keep says a lot about you...at some point you should always let them go home."
"Knowing when to walk away, is something we all hope we can recognize...Actually doing it, is something else altogether."
"Into each life a little rain must fall..you gotta decide which drops to dodge and which ones to let fall on ya."
"Don't stop believin'......hold onto that feelin." Yeah he quoted Journey, lol
"Every Cowboy needs a hat, a good pair of boots, his first rodeo & a cowgirl of his own."
"The right cowboy won't stay away...hang your hat there."
Copyright 2013 -2017 - Noelle Sangster/Sangster Entertainment LLC - All rights reserved
The Marlboro Man - Opinions
The Marlboro Man - Sabatoge Part 1
The Marlboro Man - Sabatoage Part 2
Life's Hard Love Harder Part 1- The Marlboro Man
Life's Hard Love Harder Part 2 - The Marlboro Man
Life's Hard Love Harder Part 3- The Marlboro Man
Keep the Blog Alive
Noelle Sangster on Amazon
I hate that he smokes too much, drinks whiskey and cusses... A LOT ( I leave the cussing out of his quotes.) He's a tough old man who's seen years of hardship, fun, and love. If you ask him how life's been so far, he'll tell you point blank,
"Full. But it ain't done with me yet.". I hope that's true, because I've never met anyone quite as unique as the Marlboro Man.
I call him the 'Marlboro Man,' for a couple of reasons. One being that he's a smoker, an avid smoker, with a matching cough and yellowing finger tips. And though he looks rough, it's easy to see that in his younger days he was quite handsome and fit.
Even in his ageing vessel, the brilliant light in his blue eyes is always visible, always captivating and his stories are even more so. He's told me many times before,
"I ain't a young buck no more, Baby Girl. But I seen a lot of life. Looked it square in the eye, and sometimes it looked back and dared me." Then he smiles a little and coughs. And I know that he accepted those dares.
He's silent, pointing his discolored finger at me, with a lit cigarette placed firmly between his first two fingers. Making sure that I understand what he means. He pulls his arm back slowly and nods, because he sees that I do understand. The smoke follows his hand, then dissipates.
I love how in his eyes, he can still see me as a 'child' in certain ways. He views the world with an old school perspective; one where men are still gentlemen, who open doors, pull out chairs, say 'please' and 'thank you' and give a firm hand shake while looking you in the eye. Men that would never think of calling any woman a 'bitch' or a 'ho' (even if it were true), and their word is better than any legal written contract.
He's spent nearly his entire life on a ranch or in the arenas, riding bulls and training bull riders. He's that kind of cowboy. The kind that is up with the sun, works hard all day, goes to bed when the sun goes down, then wakes up to do it all over again.
Most of his stories begin with the words,
"When I was.." and end leaving you wishing that they didn't.
My friend says, "They don't make men like the Marlboro Man anymore." I know that he's right, but did they ever MAKE men like that or is that some sort of sorry excuse for the way we've mishandled the responsibility of raising our own children? And why can't we still MAKE men like the Marlboro Man, less the smoking and the hacking cough?
The Marlboro Man has an amazing ability to see when something's wrong or right for that matter and has a near perfect analogy for nearly any situation.
He's much like the Cowboy version of Kahlil Gibran (a favorite of mine too); just as deep and thought provoking but less wordy as most cowboys are (less wordy I mean).
He's always told me, "Black and white are just colors...the world is full of color and shades of gray..know where you stand in it...and don't lose your footing."
He also says...." I seen a lot of things in my time, Cupcake. Some things that would turn a man's heart sour, or make him stop believing that there's a power higher than himself. It's just not true. If you can see the world through the eyes of someone else, you got it half licked....if you can empathize with someone else in pain... love when your heart's still broken...and taste life the way it's handed to you... you got it mostly licked, I suspect." He draws heavily on the cigarette as it nears the filter and brushes at the dust on his worn leather boot with his weathered hand.
Mid summer the Marlboro Man disappears from the arenas with his nephews to northern California, to relax and strategically plan for the upcoming bull riding season.
I have treasured every minute that I have spent with him and I hope that I have many more opportunities to learn from him.
These are some of my favorite 'Marlboro Man' quotes. Some are serious and some are silly, but they all own his character :)
"Understanding comes from getting knocked down...Courage comes from getting back up."
"Strength shows in your attitude...Stress shows on your face."
"If you wanna see the world through my perspective...shut up and let me tell it my way."
"Knowing where you stand...don't make ya tired when there's standing room only."
"PAIN (of any kind), reminds us why we don't like it."
"The company you keep says a lot about you...at some point you should always let them go home."
"Knowing when to walk away, is something we all hope we can recognize...Actually doing it, is something else altogether."
"Into each life a little rain must fall..you gotta decide which drops to dodge and which ones to let fall on ya."
"Don't stop believin'......hold onto that feelin." Yeah he quoted Journey, lol
"Every Cowboy needs a hat, a good pair of boots, his first rodeo & a cowgirl of his own."
"The right cowboy won't stay away...hang your hat there."
Copyright 2013 -2017 - Noelle Sangster/Sangster Entertainment LLC - All rights reserved
The Marlboro Man - Opinions
The Marlboro Man - Sabatoge Part 1
The Marlboro Man - Sabatoage Part 2
Life's Hard Love Harder Part 1- The Marlboro Man
Life's Hard Love Harder Part 2 - The Marlboro Man
Life's Hard Love Harder Part 3- The Marlboro Man
Keep the Blog Alive
Noelle Sangster on Amazon
Monday, 3 June 2013
Just Make My TV Work!!!
Authors Note: This 'poem' and email was originally meant for the Field Techs at my former employer. What really happened was that in my haste to make sure I had a copy of this before my departure, I accidentally sent it to the very people I wasn't going to in the company. And of course at that point, it was still quite a 'rough draft.' So now all the upper management has seen this too. I hope they're smiling. If not, oh well, I don't work there anymore. :)
As with all of my blog writing, the links are always in yellow.
Email: I have been in the communications industry (it's still my job as a writer :) for many years. I have met and survived many field technicians and dispatchers (many of us have).
Bringing communications to the masses is sometimes a thankless job. But without the 'cable dawgs' to install and the dispatchers who guide..how would anyone get TV?? (FYI – it works the same in satellite – I been there too).
The short answer is..They wouldn't. And the Cable peeps who make it all happen, rock everyday!!
I will miss you all, as I begin a new adventure in my life. Thanks for putting up with me when I get the 'sillies' or feel the need to turn an ordinary work day into an adventure of TRIO Trolls and Cable Goblins. It has been a great adventure at(company name excluded).
Since 2001, I have walked both sides of the fence, as both a field tech and a dispatcher.
Don't be offended by the genders that I have chosen to use. Historically speaking, the majority of field technicians have been male and the majority of dispatchers have been female.
The Dawg and the Dispatcher
The young man is looking.. a job he has found
Sometimes on ladders, sometimes the ground
A cable dawg’s day starts at the crack of dawn.
The work is hard and the days are long.
It first takes his knees and then gets his back..
No time to eat healthy, grabbing fast food..he's
awaiting an inevitable heart attack.
He brings you the interwebs for the pleasure of surfing...
Installs your TVs, for Saturday morning
And don’t forget the telephone, it's gone Voip for talking...
And when it intermittently goes down, customers tell him 'Fix it! “or I’m walking.”
He listens to customers, both praising and complaining...
He works in the cold, in the heat, and even when it’s raining.
He’s done it for years, it’s his trade and he loves it.
But each year for Christmas, he vows to tell them to ‘shove it.’
She is his support, she handles the systems, the software, the upgrades...
and when he's angry she listens..
She moves around work, when his truck doesn't start..calls customers to explain, always doing her part..
She smooths it over when someones upset...
She's got the skills to juggle between customers, managers and techs..
Much like a Guardian, she spends many hours here...watching and waiting until the field is all clear...
The team is still growing and he has been wishing....a spot soon would open.. perhaps a management position..
The field pay was great…but those days have past..
He’s out of the field… a desk job at last.
They are a team, they will be today...same as yesterday and tomorrow..it works better that way.
The Dawg and the Dispatcher... they will be there, to get the job done, to trouble shoot and repair.
So you can phone your mum, watch TV, surf the net...all bundled together... as good as it gets.
I had the time of my life working with with all of you over the years. Thanks for that :)
Copyright 2013 - Noelle Sangster/Sangster Entertainment LLC - All rights reserved
Keep the Blog Alive
As with all of my blog writing, the links are always in yellow.
Email: I have been in the communications industry (it's still my job as a writer :) for many years. I have met and survived many field technicians and dispatchers (many of us have).
Bringing communications to the masses is sometimes a thankless job. But without the 'cable dawgs' to install and the dispatchers who guide..how would anyone get TV?? (FYI – it works the same in satellite – I been there too).
The short answer is..They wouldn't. And the Cable peeps who make it all happen, rock everyday!!
I will miss you all, as I begin a new adventure in my life. Thanks for putting up with me when I get the 'sillies' or feel the need to turn an ordinary work day into an adventure of TRIO Trolls and Cable Goblins. It has been a great adventure at
Since 2001, I have walked both sides of the fence, as both a field tech and a dispatcher.
Don't be offended by the genders that I have chosen to use. Historically speaking, the majority of field technicians have been male and the majority of dispatchers have been female.
The Dawg and the Dispatcher
The young man is looking.. a job he has found
Sometimes on ladders, sometimes the ground
A cable dawg’s day starts at the crack of dawn.
The work is hard and the days are long.
It first takes his knees and then gets his back..
No time to eat healthy, grabbing fast food..he's
awaiting an inevitable heart attack.
He brings you the interwebs for the pleasure of surfing...
Installs your TVs, for Saturday morning
And don’t forget the telephone, it's gone Voip for talking...
And when it intermittently goes down, customers tell him 'Fix it! “or I’m walking.”
He listens to customers, both praising and complaining...
He works in the cold, in the heat, and even when it’s raining.
He’s done it for years, it’s his trade and he loves it.
But each year for Christmas, he vows to tell them to ‘shove it.’
She is his support, she handles the systems, the software, the upgrades...
and when he's angry she listens..
She moves around work, when his truck doesn't start..calls customers to explain, always doing her part..
She smooths it over when someones upset...
She's got the skills to juggle between customers, managers and techs..
Much like a Guardian, she spends many hours here...watching and waiting until the field is all clear...
The team is still growing and he has been wishing....a spot soon would open.. perhaps a management position..
The field pay was great…but those days have past..
He’s out of the field… a desk job at last.
They are a team, they will be today...same as yesterday and tomorrow..it works better that way.
The Dawg and the Dispatcher... they will be there, to get the job done, to trouble shoot and repair.
So you can phone your mum, watch TV, surf the net...all bundled together... as good as it gets.
I had the time of my life working with with all of you over the years. Thanks for that :)
Copyright 2013 - Noelle Sangster/Sangster Entertainment LLC - All rights reserved
Keep the Blog Alive
Saturday, 18 May 2013
Just For The Record, I Don't Like Your "Red Flags."
A Rant for the words: RED FLAG(s)
"Red Flags" a phrase that is burning through the masses like a wild fire in the Hundred Acre Wood (Oh dear Poo). But that isn't all it burns. It burns my ears, it burns my throat from the verbal vomit I want to spew, and it burns my ass (with a bit of chapping too).
So, you are either sitting there wondering why, or you are viciously nodding your head, concurring with what I have just offered.
For those in wonderment. My answer is... When I hear things like "You're giving me red flags" or "That sounds like a red flag to me." My brain goes to work using the actual meaning of the words RED FLAG - which ultimately does mean a sign of danger.
Danger, such as in a gang sign or a flag signaling you to stop before your car flies off the mountain and over the cliff.
My question when I hear those words directed at me or any person is "Why don't you just ask if we have prescription meds and if we're willing to share them or not."
Now, ask yourself who those red flags are for. If the person you had been referring to is not really under medical care or in need of a rubber room stay, I emphatically must insist that the chances of you being in real danger is probably slim or none. And the more likely culprit is that the RED FLAGS are put up by YOU,to protect YOU from whatever it is that YOU are truly afraid of.
There are a plethora of things that we definitely have "red flagged" over the years, isn't there?
Some 'red flagged" items I feel we have come to readily accept and that I hear the phrase often freely associated with are :
In my opinion, which you know I can rarely contain :); as we become more automated, less animated, more logical, less huggable, more texted, less audible, more introverted, less extroverted, more sheep like, less read the more likely we are to collect more of those crimson colored triangles.
My advice, stop collecting those excuses...oops I mean 'red flags' and start seeing people the way they are, acceptable to you or not.
I imagine that Master Yoda might put is this way...The eyes of the beholder, the same picture they do not see.
Oh wait you can't....until the next rant!! Cheers! :)
Copyright 2013 - Noelle Sangster/Sangster Entertainment LLC - All rights reserved
"Red Flags" a phrase that is burning through the masses like a wild fire in the Hundred Acre Wood (Oh dear Poo). But that isn't all it burns. It burns my ears, it burns my throat from the verbal vomit I want to spew, and it burns my ass (with a bit of chapping too).
So, you are either sitting there wondering why, or you are viciously nodding your head, concurring with what I have just offered.
For those in wonderment. My answer is... When I hear things like "You're giving me red flags" or "That sounds like a red flag to me." My brain goes to work using the actual meaning of the words RED FLAG - which ultimately does mean a sign of danger.
Danger, such as in a gang sign or a flag signaling you to stop before your car flies off the mountain and over the cliff.
My question when I hear those words directed at me or any person is "Why don't you just ask if we have prescription meds and if we're willing to share them or not."
Now, ask yourself who those red flags are for. If the person you had been referring to is not really under medical care or in need of a rubber room stay, I emphatically must insist that the chances of you being in real danger is probably slim or none. And the more likely culprit is that the RED FLAGS are put up by YOU,to protect YOU from whatever it is that YOU are truly afraid of.
There are a plethora of things that we definitely have "red flagged" over the years, isn't there?
Some 'red flagged" items I feel we have come to readily accept and that I hear the phrase often freely associated with are :
- Relationships - specifically in something requiring commitment, loyalty and/or monogamy.
- Jobs - when it requires us to do more than we are willing to do.
- Taxes - but the gov generally does use "red flags" in this area don't they? Does that mean 'dangerous' tax payers? Curious.
In my opinion, which you know I can rarely contain :); as we become more automated, less animated, more logical, less huggable, more texted, less audible, more introverted, less extroverted, more sheep like, less read the more likely we are to collect more of those crimson colored triangles.
My advice, stop collecting those excuses...oops I mean 'red flags' and start seeing people the way they are, acceptable to you or not.
I imagine that Master Yoda might put is this way...The eyes of the beholder, the same picture they do not see.
Oh wait you can't....until the next rant!! Cheers! :)
Copyright 2013 - Noelle Sangster/Sangster Entertainment LLC - All rights reserved
Friday, 17 May 2013
Not Gone..Right Here..
If you thought for even one minute, that I had somehow managed to kick the writing habit...no dice.
I wouldn't even think of trying to. It loves me and I love it, and together we are very happy.
My sincerest apologies. Recently, it was brought to my attention that my last post was from March! Yikes!
Well, to make up for my absence of blog, attention and writing fares that had been regularly served up monthly, if not weekly, I will let you know that I have a few 'themes' that will be added to the menu and they are definitely worth keeping an eye out for...the Adventures will stay in tact, because you can't keep me from that. :)
I will be introducing you to a new 'adventure' buddy, as well as my 'expert' friend in relationships, and of course there will always be random rants and venting, served with a side of sarcastic humor that hopefully provides satisfactory smiles, chuckles and even a occasional snort.
Watch this space! I will be seeing you soon. Cheers!!!
Keep the Blog Alive
I wouldn't even think of trying to. It loves me and I love it, and together we are very happy.
My sincerest apologies. Recently, it was brought to my attention that my last post was from March! Yikes!
Well, to make up for my absence of blog, attention and writing fares that had been regularly served up monthly, if not weekly, I will let you know that I have a few 'themes' that will be added to the menu and they are definitely worth keeping an eye out for...the Adventures will stay in tact, because you can't keep me from that. :)
I will be introducing you to a new 'adventure' buddy, as well as my 'expert' friend in relationships, and of course there will always be random rants and venting, served with a side of sarcastic humor that hopefully provides satisfactory smiles, chuckles and even a occasional snort.
Watch this space! I will be seeing you soon. Cheers!!!
Keep the Blog Alive
Wednesday, 6 March 2013
A Perfect Body is born
I recently finished work on a long over due novel that was inspired by a fellow musician's song called 'Death by Chocolate' (Shawn Southway). Although, the inspiration came from it, I can't say that my story turned out much like the song.
I've had the idea for the story for quite some time, I got started on in January 2009.
However, due to LIFE; including but not limited to: distractions of the opposite sex, broken hearts, jobs, divorces, raising children, new loves, moving cross country and back again, and sometimes just wondering what you really wanna be when you grow up, if in fact you actually want to grow up at all....This story found it's way to the surface of real existence in 2010, was finished and published for the world to enjoy in 2011.
To those of you who had anticipated an earlier release, I do apologize for the delay.
I have more novels knocking around my brain, and the writing of the next is already under way.
For those of you who know me or have ever known me, you will know right away that I do NOT purposely write romance of the Harlequin sort (except that one time in 9th grade English class); Not because I don't enjoy reading it once in a while (if the author is actually a good writer/story teller), but because some of us are just not cut out for the trade of writing the genre of romance.
With respect to genre writing, I have no clue where I fit in or if I even want to fit in any one specific genre. In my opinion, the story of A Perfect Body doesn't quite fit into a category of suspense, horror, thriller, mystery. I think it's better for the reader to decide. That is, if they actually want to do that.
Stay tuned....
I've had the idea for the story for quite some time, I got started on in January 2009.
However, due to LIFE; including but not limited to: distractions of the opposite sex, broken hearts, jobs, divorces, raising children, new loves, moving cross country and back again, and sometimes just wondering what you really wanna be when you grow up, if in fact you actually want to grow up at all....This story found it's way to the surface of real existence in 2010, was finished and published for the world to enjoy in 2011.
To those of you who had anticipated an earlier release, I do apologize for the delay.
I have more novels knocking around my brain, and the writing of the next is already under way.
For those of you who know me or have ever known me, you will know right away that I do NOT purposely write romance of the Harlequin sort (except that one time in 9th grade English class); Not because I don't enjoy reading it once in a while (if the author is actually a good writer/story teller), but because some of us are just not cut out for the trade of writing the genre of romance.
With respect to genre writing, I have no clue where I fit in or if I even want to fit in any one specific genre. In my opinion, the story of A Perfect Body doesn't quite fit into a category of suspense, horror, thriller, mystery. I think it's better for the reader to decide. That is, if they actually want to do that.
Stay tuned....
Tuesday, 8 January 2013
A Date, a Dog or a Kiss Goodbye??
"Everything happens for a reason."
That's a statement that I wasn't always sure of...but looking back, with that particular perspective, it has impacted my own life in a lot of different ways. (even in the ones that I never seem to want to admit.)
Earlier in the year, I met a new friend whom I had loads in common with, it almost seemed like we were created from the same mold.
He understood my odd sense of humor. We talked about everything under the sun, probably even talked about the sun. It was nice to have a friend who was so much like me...
We spent hours on the phone. We had breakfast every Wednesday morning. I taught him some of the things I know about real estate investing and business.
And then everything has a draw back doesn't it? Well this is no exclusion or exception to the rule.
My new friend, hung out for a short time and subsequently disappeared into the sunset, not riding a horse like the cowboy I've always dreamed of...he was driving a Lexus.
He didn't say much about his departure, just that he had some things to sort out. I do hope he got them sorted.
My new friend happened to rescue a cute little dachshund from a monsoon storm late in the Phoenix summer.
"When are you taking him (the dog) home?"
I put it all off as long as I possibly could. Making lame excuses about why I couldn't take on the care of a pet. Eventually, I ran out of excuses.
The truth is that the guilt of not being home much makes them (your pets) fat. I know this because my new house mate gets more than his fair share of treats..(my mom's vet says treats are like feeding your pet candy bars - nutritional value = 0).
Okay, the fun of a pet definitely outweighs the reasons NOT to have a pet. As you can see my little "Lowrider" gets himself into some spots that are compromising and really makes me wonder what he does when he's alone and I'm not home.
I also wonder what he's thinking when he gets himself into jacket sleeves or laundry baskets..
I think we know how this story turned out. I got the dog, the friend never turned into a date and there certainly was no kiss goodbye. But I'm quite happy with the dog.
Copyright 2014 - Noelle Sangster/Sangster Entertainment LLC - All rights reserved
Keep the Blog Alive
Noelle Sangster on Amazon
That's a statement that I wasn't always sure of...but looking back, with that particular perspective, it has impacted my own life in a lot of different ways. (even in the ones that I never seem to want to admit.)
Earlier in the year, I met a new friend whom I had loads in common with, it almost seemed like we were created from the same mold.
He understood my odd sense of humor. We talked about everything under the sun, probably even talked about the sun. It was nice to have a friend who was so much like me...
We spent hours on the phone. We had breakfast every Wednesday morning. I taught him some of the things I know about real estate investing and business.
And then everything has a draw back doesn't it? Well this is no exclusion or exception to the rule.
My new friend, hung out for a short time and subsequently disappeared into the sunset, not riding a horse like the cowboy I've always dreamed of...he was driving a Lexus.
He didn't say much about his departure, just that he had some things to sort out. I do hope he got them sorted.
My new friend happened to rescue a cute little dachshund from a monsoon storm late in the Phoenix summer.
Of all the gifts I've ever received, this one was definitely the most unusual.. It started simply as
"This little guy needs a home." and turned into "When are you taking him (the dog) home?"
I put it all off as long as I possibly could. Making lame excuses about why I couldn't take on the care of a pet. Eventually, I ran out of excuses.
The truth is that the guilt of not being home much makes them (your pets) fat. I know this because my new house mate gets more than his fair share of treats..(my mom's vet says treats are like feeding your pet candy bars - nutritional value = 0).
Okay, the fun of a pet definitely outweighs the reasons NOT to have a pet. As you can see my little "Lowrider" gets himself into some spots that are compromising and really makes me wonder what he does when he's alone and I'm not home.
I also wonder what he's thinking when he gets himself into jacket sleeves or laundry baskets..
I think we know how this story turned out. I got the dog, the friend never turned into a date and there certainly was no kiss goodbye. But I'm quite happy with the dog.
Copyright 2014 - Noelle Sangster/Sangster Entertainment LLC - All rights reserved
Keep the Blog Alive
Noelle Sangster on Amazon
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