Sunday, 28 July 2013

Whoa Whoa Whoa!!..Sweet Talker.. Rant

"Genuinely" speaking..Yeah, let's talk about this for a minute. 

   Lately, I've been running into loads of gents, who when they speak to me, use terms that I have always associated with someone that you have been in a relationship with for a period of time. 
   It apparently is not so uncommon, and possibly even acceptable? (Yes I find that quite curious as well) to speak to a woman you barely know and call her "Hun, Sweetie, Cutie, Baby." and the like.
   I personally find it to be patronizing, for the simple fact that YOU ,quite possibly, have absolutely NO IDEA who I am. How do you suddenly meet me one day and the next act like we've known each other for years?
   Of course, I have a plethora of my own theories about this; some of them a slight bit Freudian, others not so much. Let's have a look at a few.

1. Lack of respect  - There are unfortunately so many men who just have no respect for women. But not just men, people who have no respect for other people. It's heart breaking at best.

2. No clue - This literally piggy backs on my first response; guys (and gals) get a clue. There are some terribly fabulous people on this planet. Get to know someone, give a little of yourself, listen to the other person. Seriously take interest in someone for something other than their outward beauty.

3. So used to calling their wives "Hun, Sweetie, Cutie or Baby." It just sort of pops out in conversation. That should be a complete 'crimson colored triangle' (see my previous Rant on 'red flags')

4. They can't remember your name.  - Self explanatory...and at least my 'rant' has ended with a cool song :)

Cheers!!! Til the next rant or adventure .......

Stay tuned for more 'Relationship Ninja" blogging. 

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