Monday, 3 June 2013

Just Make My TV Work!!!

Authors Note: This 'poem' and email was originally meant for the Field Techs at my former employer. What really happened was that in my haste to make sure I had a copy of this before my departure, I accidentally sent it to the very people I wasn't going to in the company. And of course at that point, it was still quite a 'rough draft.' So now all the upper management has seen this too. I hope they're smiling. If not, oh well, I don't work there anymore. :)
As with all of my blog writing, the links are always in yellow.

  Email:  I have been in the communications industry (it's still my job as a writer :) for many years. I have met and survived many field technicians  and dispatchers (many of us have). 
   Bringing communications to the masses is sometimes a thankless job. But without the 'cable dawgs' to install and the dispatchers who would anyone get TV?? (FYI – it works the same in satellite – I been there too).
   The short answer is..They wouldn't. And the Cable peeps who make it all happen, rock everyday!!
    I will miss you all, as I begin a new adventure in my life. Thanks for putting up with me when I get the 'sillies' or feel the need to turn an ordinary work day into an adventure of TRIO Trolls and Cable Goblins. It has been a great adventure at (company name excluded).

   Since 2001, I have walked both sides of the fence, as both a field tech and a dispatcher. 
   Don't be offended by the genders that I have chosen to use. Historically speaking, the majority of field technicians have been male and the majority of dispatchers have been female.

               The Dawg and the Dispatcher

The young man is looking.. a job he has found

Sometimes on ladders, sometimes the ground

A cable dawg’s day starts at the crack of dawn.

The work is hard and the days are long.

It first takes his knees and then gets his back..

No time to eat healthy, grabbing fast food..he's   
awaiting  an inevitable heart attack.

He brings you the interwebs for the pleasure of surfing...

Installs your TVs, for Saturday morning

And don’t forget the telephone, it's gone Voip for talking...

And when it intermittently goes down, customers tell him 'Fix it! “or I’m walking.”

He listens to customers, both praising and complaining...

He works in the cold, in the heat, and even when it’s raining.

He’s done it for years, it’s his trade and he loves it.

But each year for Christmas, he vows to tell them to ‘shove it.’

She is his support, she handles the systems, the software, the upgrades...
and when he's angry she listens..

She moves around work, when his truck doesn't start..calls customers to explain, always doing her part..

She smooths it over when someones upset...
She's got the skills to juggle between customers, managers and techs..

Much like a Guardian, she spends many hours here...watching and waiting until the field is all clear...

The team is still growing and he has been wishing....a spot soon would open.. perhaps a management position..

The field pay was great…but those days have past..
He’s out of the field… a desk job at last.

They are a team, they will be today...same as yesterday and works better that way.

The Dawg and the Dispatcher... they will be there, to get the job done, to trouble shoot and repair.

So you can phone your mum, watch TV, surf the net...all bundled together... as good as it gets.

I had the time of my life working with with all of you over the years. Thanks for that :)

Copyright 2013 - Noelle Sangster/Sangster Entertainment LLC - All rights reserved

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