Friday 17 May 2013

Not Gone..Right Here..

     If you thought for even one minute, that I had somehow managed to kick the writing dice.
     I wouldn't even think of trying to. It loves me and I love it, and together we are very happy.
     My sincerest apologies. Recently, it was brought to my attention that my last post was from March! Yikes!
     Well, to make up for my absence of blog, attention and writing fares that had been regularly served up monthly, if not weekly, I will let you know that I have a few 'themes' that will be added to the menu and they are definitely worth keeping an eye out for...the Adventures will stay in tact, because you can't keep me from that. :) 
     I will be introducing you to a new 'adventure' buddy, as well as my 'expert' friend in relationships, and of course there will always be random rants and venting, served with a side of sarcastic humor that hopefully provides satisfactory smiles, chuckles and even a occasional snort.
     Watch this space! I will be seeing you soon. Cheers!!!

Keep the Blog Alive

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