As we are all quite aware, not all great love stories start out great and end fantastically...There's quite a lot more involved than just.."Once upon on time" and "They lived happily ever after."
Granted, we all will hope and pray that things start and end that way, however, actually being in it's (loves) existence, is quite trying, often to the point of exhaustion. But sometimes knowing the outcome...or making what we want the out come to be, at least known, is what keeps us going, now isn't it?
When you find that love, the one that gives you butterflies in your tummy, doesn't let you sleep, eat or think straight, it sometimes seems like an up hill climb to get to it. The GREAT part is that once you've climbed the hill, you can look out and see for miles, hopefully with the one you're climbing to get......
Part 1
One year ago on
this day, a chivalrous and valiant British Knight in shining armor came to the
rescue of the Phoenix Princess and asked her father for her hand as his bride.
His name was Sir Alan the Great. Sir Alan was the best swordsman, fastest
horseman, and most incredible archer in all of the King of Idleburg's court.
Sir Alan had been searching for years for a Princess. Not just any Princess,
but one that made him complete, one that held him in the highest regard, had a
mind of her own, loved him because of who he was, and most importantly, she
would bear the "mark"
of the heart that went together with his. If he could only find the Princess
bearing the mark, he was destined to be happy for eternity.
Several months before, he had heard of this beautiful Princess of Phoenix, whom
her father had named Noelani, which means 'sent
from heaven.'
Although, he had only seen her face in a sketch, he felt
confident that she bore the "mark"...of
the matching heart that went with his. His challenge was finding her and
getting himself to her. Sir Alan knew that the journey to her would be
treacherous and long. But he was willing to go the distance, for the promise of
her hand, and her heart.
Sir Alan's family did not understand, his passion for a woman he had never met,
but they wished his happiness in all things and so supported his decision to
leave Idleburg and pursue his dreams.
Unfortunately, the King in his own country, would not allow the Knight to leave
the boundaries of that kingdom, for fear of losing this valiant knight, whose
skills and intellect were quite astounding, to another ruler's country, especially
the courts of Phoenix, who controlled and distributed all the sunshine throughout
the lands.
Meanwhile, far away, in the Northlands, the Ice King and his evil minion, The
Bog Witch, had been plotting to abduct the Phoenix Princess, from her wonderful
home in Phoenix. They had been studying the power of the Phoenix sun and where
it came from. They found that only the people who carried a certain "mark," had a very specific sort of heart that
could create sun shine where ever they went.
They spent years searching to ends of the lands and found only five people in
the world possessed the marked heart of sunshine: A toddler in Whatchadun, A
teenager in Listentome, A knight from Idleburg, The King of Phoenix and the
King's lovely daughter, the Princess, Noelani.
What they didn't know was that it took two people with the marked heart, together within fifty miles of one
another to create the sun shine.
plan was to destroy the last five people in the world who had that special
heart. They wanted everyone in the world to be as unhappy as they.
Every day in the Northlands was a miserable existence for most of the people
who lived there, including its rulers, the Ice King and the Bog Witch, and that
was exactly how they liked it miserable, cold and full of company.
Bog Witch's evil sister, Thorin, was as evil and cunning as the Bog Witch was
stinky (and evil). Thorin was technically a boy's name, but her mother claimed
she emerged into the world like "thunder" and continued to create
chaos and havoc in anyone's life that would let her. She was a storm waiting to
happen. So, it was appropriate that the Bog Witch and The Ice King would have
Thorin abduct Noelani from Phoenix and take her to a hiding place in the secluded
Northlands to lure her father into their targeted trap, where they would
eventually kill them both.
What the Ice King and the Bog Witch did not count on or even know, was that Sir
Alan was on his way to Phoenix in search of his Princess. He had already decided that nothing would stand in his way. He did not
know that Noelani's father would eventually send for him, because of his "mark."
Thorin, who was exceptional in casting evil spells, did know that the Knight
was on his way. She had been watching him from her crystal ball every day.
cast a spell on the King of Idleburg, who promptly threw Sir Alan in prison for
treason. The only people who knew or believed of his innocence was his family.
They went to the King's court every day and begged for his pardon.
After a couple of weeks, Thorin had set her sights on how she would abduct the
Princess and get her to the Northlands, without being noticed. During that
time, the spell had worn thin and Sir Alan's family managed to convince the
King of the knight's innocence and he was promptly released.
Stay tuned for....PART 2......tomorrow
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