Monday, 14 April 2014

Real Life MONOPOLY..the Money spends better

   Once upon a time... my favorite game (and I still play when I have time) was and is MONOPOLY. The actual board game; Not to be confused with McDonald's win free french fries and a shake. The game where you buy and sell, build and trade, collect rents and hope to own the UTILITY companies; land on FREE parking, avoid going to jail or at least get a "get out of jail FREE" card.

Over many years, I learned how to play MONOPOLY in the real world, and it was just as big an adventure as it was playing the board game as a kid. 
   The first four years of my real life Monopoly career, were the hardest; the learning years. What the learning years really are is little or no money, long hours and complete dedication. Wow, I think I just described my former job. 
    It is, it was, it always will be hard work and dedication, but what isn't? My friend once said that "Nothing worth having is easy." I completely agree with him.  
   The beauty of real Monopoly is that you don't have to be the only employee. Just like in Monopoly, once you actually get those hotels built on Baltic Ave, it is no longer a divey hole; it's a profitable wonderland darn close to Park Place.
   What you can hang your hat on is that real life Monopoly is a profitable outfit and most ordinary people will quit when it gets rough or uncomfortable, sell all their properties and head for the comfort of the sofa, a bag of chips and their television, just like in the board game... maybe throw in a beer. 
    I feel absolutely blessed to have the things that I and many others have hoped to see come to fruition over the years. Like the way Motorola innovated and lead the market with a phone that looked like a "communicator" from Star Trek, Microsoft developed software to make the dream of "a computer in every home" come to life, Apple taught a "team" how to put an "I" in the Iphone, Ipad and Ipod. 
   Now comes the time when you, me, and others like us can make money and OWN a piece of the Utility companies...
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