Saturday, 28 July 2012

"GOODWILL" Hunting

   It's the weekend again.... and any Phoenician Bargain Hunter will tell you that the place to be, if you're NOT at Last Chance is Goodwill, as every other weekend is Super Saving Saturdays (50% off everything!) at the Goodwill's of Arizona...Please tag along while we share a weekend shopping adventure. 
   This Goodwill Hunting is about treasure finding and has nothing to do with Matt Damon (darn!), but is loads of fun none the less. 
   As the saying goes "One man's TRASH is another man's TREASURE." or in the case of a woman... another gal's treasure. 
    Treasure, however, does not have to be gender specific, as we will find that TREASURE is TREASURE, no matter who owned it first. 
   I am joined by three other TREASURE  seekers. My good friend Emily and my sons Jason and Joseph. 
   Jason doesn't seem to be seeking as much as he's hiding. Joe on the other hand is a natural born "I want" shopper and he finds some...ah...treasures..(let's keep in mind the earlier slogan about "one man's trash....") 
   I can't help but eaves drop on a couple in the a man shouts to his wife 
    "Honey!!! Look it's brand new, still in the box!..." His voice tapers into a loud excited whisper "AND it's a Dell!!" 
    I look at the box and think  " Silly man, Adele is a British Pop Star, that's obviously an HP" Apparently I said this out loud, and realized it when Jason, shushed me and tried to pull me in an opposite direction. The gal standing next me giggled and continued her shopping.
   We catch up to Emily who has found some fantastic colored glassware. Not just any glassware, a Genie lamp! perhaps we can have a wish or 3?
 I wish that Joe would dress in some really cool "Pimp Daddy Clothes"   
and that some tasty grooving music would play.....Oh My Gaw....wish granted... Gotta love Genie lamps. I wish for a leprechaun  
It turns out, however that he is quite reluctant to tell me where he's hiding his pot o' gold. So, I wish for a leprechaun with less of an attitude, and nothing happens....then I realize I've used my three wishes and I am now fresh out (Pimp Daddy clothes, tasty grooves and a leprechaun = 3).
    You may be wondering 'How much adventure can someone have in a thrift store?'  Well, I have to much as your imagination will allow; without completely disturbing the other shoppers or being hauled off by the cops for doing something weird and unacceptable.  
      Books, furniture, cds, dvds, housewares, small appliances...Slice -O-Matic, A Darth Vadar mask..the entire SG-1 dvd series...oh what treasures to behold!

and when you're ready to take a break, simply pop in the jeans wardrobe and be carted off to Narnia for a refreshing spot of tea, and nearly your entire teen years....Return ten years later and you arrive looking exactly the same as you did the entire five minutes (from this side of the wardrobe anyway) that your mother was looking for you. 

Cheers!....until the next adventure

Copyright 2014 - Noelle Sangster/Sangster Entertainment LLC - All rights reserved

Noelle Sangster on Amazon

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

WTH!! TALK about some serious TEXT?

Maestro Please - This Blog May contain offensive language.

   There's a new talk in town. Not just your town. Towns across the globe. New York to Vancouver, Sydney to Wellington, London to Paris and everything in between. 
   The past few years have brought about the emergence of TEXTING. Its a phenom really, isn't it? There are so many different ways to send a message, that no longer require "a bottle;" sorry Sting.
     I must say, I've become accustomed to people not only TEXTing, but speaking in TEXT. Often when I ask my oldest son a question he does not know the answer to, he simply states IDK..which we all should know means I don't know. But let's also not forget the ever popular WTH (what the heck/ what the hell) or WTF (what the f***k) which people tend to not only TEXT but also frequently say aloud. 
   Or in the case of my six year old ...who simply says "WHAT THE"...and while all of the adults stand in awe waiting....thankfully he never finishes. Not because he wouldn't if given the chance, but because I'm quite certain he doesn't know the rest of the phrase. Whew!
      So with all this TEXT floating around, it seems quite natural to TRY to figure out WTH everyone is on about. If you're new to the TEXT scene, it may even sound or read like THIS
     Some of these wonderful acronyms have more than one ATM - at the moment, automatic teller machine (we like this one) and the one that I've never really heard anyone use Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ok. I bet Wayne uses that one.)
      What about GAP? We all know it's the store right? No. It also is an acronym for Got a pic? or Gay Ass People (seriously)
      One of my personal favorites has always been FAQ - which stands for Frequently Asked Questions, or phonetically... Fah - Q. (thanks again Wayne)
     OMG is another lovely TEXT or shout word isn't it? meaning Oh my Gosh or Oh My God. I have voluntarily changed this one in my vocabulary realm to Oh My Gaw (No thanks to Wayne, but thanks to Deb)
    Now I have to tell you that I was quite perplexed the other day, when I received an instant message that said 
    "ICK on the snow."  I spent hours trying to figure out the TEXT meaning for I. C. K . I even asked my fourteen year old 
    "What does that mean?" He in turn answered
    " I have no idea. Never heard of it. IDK"
     Then a few days later, while instant messaging a friend about the weather, I told her it was 107 degrees in Phoenix, Arizona and my friend said 
     "ICK 80's here and I'm dying." There it was again.
     I thought 'the best way to just get this over with is to simply ask WTF she means.' So I said
     "What does that mean?" and she answered
     " Its like 83-87 and my tits are sweating. and the ICK is the 107."
      It hit me just then. LOL was completely inappropriate. This was a LMFAO if not a ROFLMAO moment. 
      This is where I like to drive home my point that things are not always as they seem. As it seemed to me that ICK was something that I had never heard of before. When in fact I had heard it before, but not in the context of TEXT, rather in the context of what it actually is and was being used INTERJECTION .
     So in conclusion, or possibly confusion here we are ADIP, hoping that this whole lot isn't FUBAR for you. And that I've provided just enough and not TMI. Most of what's been said here is true and not PDOMA. I really hope you've been able to QYB and have a laugh. Most of what I've told you here is a SEWAG and only the SNERTs will probably figure it out. Now, if you're still having a laugh and not ticked off and JUADLAM, then I have accomplished what I set out to do!

Cheers.... Until next time


ADIP - Another Day in Paradise
 FUBAR - F***ed Up Beyond All Recognition (or Repair)
 JUADLAM - Jumping Up And Down Like A Monkey
 PDOMA - Pulled Directly Out Of My Ass

QYB - Quit Your Bitching

ROFLMAO - Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off

SEWAG - Scientifically Engineered Wild Ass Guess

SNERT - Snotty Nosed Egotistical Rotten Teenager

 TMI - Too Much Information

FAQ - Frequently asked questions or F*** You.

Copyright 2014 - Noelle Sangster/Sangster Entertainment LLC - All rights reserved