Tuesday 8 January 2013

A Date, a Dog or a Kiss Goodbye??

   "Everything happens for a reason."
That's a statement that I wasn't always sure of...but looking back, with that particular perspective, it has impacted my own life in a lot of different ways. (even in the ones that I never seem to want to admit.)  
    Earlier in the year, I met a new friend whom I had loads in common with, it almost seemed like we were created from the same mold. 
    He understood my odd sense of humor. We talked about everything under the sun, probably even talked about the sun. It was nice to have a friend who was so much like me...
    We spent hours on the phone. We had breakfast every Wednesday morning. I taught him some of the things I know about real estate investing and business. 
      And then everything has a draw back doesn't it? Well this is no exclusion or exception to the rule. 
    My new friend, hung out for a short time and subsequently disappeared into the sunset, not riding a horse like the cowboy I've always dreamed of...he was driving a Lexus. 
    He didn't say much about his departure, just that he had some things to sort out. I do hope he got them sorted. 

    My new friend happened to rescue a cute little dachshund from a monsoon storm late in the Phoenix summer.  
     Of all the gifts I've ever received, this one was definitely the most unusual.. It started simply as    
   "This little guy needs a home." and turned into  
   "When are you taking him (the dog) home?" 
   I put it all off as long as I possibly could. Making lame excuses about why I couldn't take on the care of a pet. Eventually, I ran out of excuses.
   The truth is that the guilt of not being home much makes them (your pets) fat. I know this because my new house mate gets more than his fair share of treats..(my mom's vet says treats are like feeding your pet candy bars - nutritional value = 0). 
    Okay, the fun of a pet definitely outweighs the reasons NOT to have a pet. As you can see my little  "Lowrider" gets himself into some spots that are compromising and really makes me wonder what he does when he's alone and I'm not home. 

I also wonder what he's thinking when he gets himself into jacket sleeves or laundry baskets..
   I think we know how this story turned out. I got the dog, the friend never turned into a date and there certainly was no kiss goodbye. But I'm quite happy with the dog. 

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