I was blessed to spend the trick or treating season this year, in Tucson with my boys and friends. There were few tricks, although, one man did ask a Costumer to stand on one leg and spin around..to receive the candy goods.. which was quite a funny treat.
Our fun began, of course with the kids getting in costume. Once the Grim Reaper was dressed; we were off to meet our friends on the North side of Tucson, for Trick or Treating in their subdivision.
A cowgirl, Uncle Fester from the Munster's, a Crayola Crayon, The Sonic Burger Red Devil (whom her sister curiously referred to as Captain Save a Ho- more on that later) and an escaped Convict (not a relative, or an ex boyfriend thanks.)
Off we go..The Crayon and the Convict are a slight bit older than the Reaper and the Wolf..The Crayon had decided that her handbag worked as well for catching and containing sugary treats as any other and at one stop is questioned by the man passing out candy. He said " It THAT your purse?" and she answered with an emphatic "Yes." Meanwhile, I'm thinking 'Do men really know how the things they find in a woman's purse, get there?'
Guided by James with a flashlight on the front side and Captain Save a Ho (the Red Devil) on the backside, using her new Samsung Galaxy III as the other guiding light, we continued on through the darkness gathering candy.
We stumbled upon a place that someone had gone through the trouble to put together. A scary fun house guarded by this man..
The theme music playing of course was "Werewolves of London."
At one stop, the cowgirl and Uncle Fester approached the stoop and a man said to Uncle Fester " Look at the Dummy...I mean the Mummy." to which the Cowgirl quickly responded "I'm NOT a dummy...I'm smart and beautiful." and she is. We all chuckle.
A few stops later, the cowgirl tripped and began to sniffle, "I hurt me knee." She was quickly reminded
"That shouldn't hinder your ability to continue begging for candy..get back to work." Sometimes a harsh dose of reality is needed to counteract laziness in children where chocolate is concerned...ummm...but ah..back to the story.
About an hour later, we had managed our way through the subdivision, and the Grim Reaper was tired, but we hadn't yet stopped at our usual Trick or Treating Spot; The one that we had frequented for the past several years. A Halloween Utopia, the Carnival of Halloween subdivisions.
Due to the decline in the economy, it was not as decked out as in prior years, but was, however, still loaded with lights, decor and every other house was a Fun House, Fear Factory and Candy Cornucopia.
There were children riding in red wagons, pulled by their parents. I asked one parent
"Isn't that the way to go?" referring to her eight year old being pulled in a red wagon. She answered "What I wouldn't give to be towed in a red wagon and have candy dumped on me." We both laughed.
The Halloween festival neighborhood is not just for the kiddies. (Yes. that's a dog dressed as a banana)
Oh no. The first year we went, there were actually barbeques going on..Ribs, Baked Taters, Corn on the Cob style barbeques.
The fire department and the nearby church also get in on the fun creating a plethora of entertainment value for the community.
Because we went else where first, the festival in this neighborhood was winding down. We ran into a few other friends and the Grim Reaper advised that it was time to go home.
It's been decided that next year will will begin and end at this sub division for our Trick or Treating Extravaganza.
Cheers until next adventure!!!!!
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